How to increase google adsense CTR
For earn more money you need to increase google adsense CTR.Here i will tell you some useful tips to get more CTR (click through ratio).
1. use section targeting
It is one option by google.Go to you web/blog site HTML code and include the adsense code To implement section targeting, you'll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code. These tags will mark the beginning and end of whichever section(s) you'd like to emphasize or de-emphasize for ad targeting.
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
1. use section targeting
It is one option by google.Go to you web/blog site HTML code and include the adsense code To implement section targeting, you'll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code. These tags will mark the beginning and end of whichever section(s) you'd like to emphasize or de-emphasize for ad targeting.
The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
2.:Match the color with your web page
Color combination is very important to get more click and get CTR.Follow the steps to match color combination.
- Login to Adsense account
- Click “Adsense Setup” tab then “manage Adsense”. Click “Edit Ad Settings” on the individual ads to be edited.
- Set font family, font Size, color and background of Adsense similar to your website.
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