Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Google adsense account type and limitations.

Google adsense number one advertisement network. There are many way to get google adsense account. If you create adsense account any how, you can enable to start earnings. Some days befor there are no types of Adsense account. But today

Mainly there are three types of Adsense:

1. YouTube hosted Adsense
2. Blogspot hosted Adsense
3. Fully Approved Adsense

Youtube Hosted Adsense

Adsense via YouTube Those approved are called YouTube hosted Adsense. This type of adsense
account only show ads on your youtube videos. Those ads code not work on Blogger or top level domain. Some days it works on Blogger and top level domain. But now its stopped by Google.

Blogspot hosted Adsense

Same as Youtube Hosted Adsense. Adsense via Blogspot Those approved are called Blogspot hosted Adsense. Those ads code worked only on Blogspot blog. Maximum limits 500 blog site.

Some days it works on every where. But now its stopped by Google.

Fully Approved Adsense

If you approved your adsense account by top level domain, than it is called Fully Approved Adsense. This type adsense account is perfect. You can use this ads code every where, where you want to show google ads. Maximum limits 500 web or blog site.


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