Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Add Adsense ads unit in Right or left corner in blogger post.

Now i will tell you how to add adsense in your blogger poat content. I hope it's the best and easy way to add adsense in blog post.
At first create a new adsense ad unit in your blogger account and get the code.
You can't please the adsense code in your blogger directly. So you need to midify your adsense code.
encode your adsense code using centricle.

After encode,your ad code Should look like this.
adsense encode
1. Go to blogger account -->dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to increase google adsense CTR

For earn more money you need to increase google adsense CTR.Here i will tell you some useful tips to get more CTR (click through ratio).

1. use section targeting
It is one option by google.Go to you web/blog site HTML code and include the adsense code To implement section targeting, you'll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code. These tags will mark the beginning and end of whichever section(s) you'd like to emphasize or de-emphasize for ad targeting.
The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:

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